Sleep disturbances are surprisingly common in the Western world. Many people struggle to get to sleep at a reasonable hour and then spend their days exhausted. Modern research into chronobiology, or the science of our bodies’ internal clocks, suggests that a lack of sleep can even contribute to disease. In honor of Sleep Awareness Week, […]
Photon Project Leads Study of Effects of Natural Light Exposure
Alzheimer’s. Diabetes. Parkinson’s disease. Have you ever wondered whether one factor is the cause of all these maladies? Well, it just may be circadian rhythm disruption. Researchers have found that with today’s lifestyles of working long hours inside buildings and coming home to sit in front of the television, the lack of access to natural […]
The Science of Chronobiology Sheds Light on Treatments for Sleeping Disorders in Alzheimer’s
Individuals affected with Alzheimer’s disease exhibit a marked disruption of normal circadian patterns. These are most noticeable as disruptions of sleep. Many individuals in the early stages of dementia become unable to sleep at night. As a consequence, they may be drowsy during the day. Some become very agitated and restless in the early evening […]
Chronobiology, Circadian Rhythms and the Science of Sleep
Sleep should be a natural human activity, done without thought and without difficulty. However, many people have problems with their sleep patterns that affect their ability to function effectively during the day. Scientists are beginning to study these problems closely to determine ways to correct them and ensure that people benefit from each night’s rest. […]
How Chronobiology is Affecting Cancer Treatment
Scientists are just beginning to understand the human brain’s relationship with time. We have known for decades that the body runs on circadian rhythms, with cycles repeating themselves every 24-hours. Our body actually runs on several different clocks, with cell growth, hormone release and other daily activities wired to a cycle based on sleep, levels […]