Nuevas investigaciones sobre la función de un grupo especializado de células de la retina ofrecen esperanzas de encontrar formas innovadoras de tratar el jet lag y otros trastornos circadianos. La mayoría de nosotros hemos experimentado el jet lag de una forma u otra. Probablemente conozca bien los síntomas: dificultad para conciliar el sueño, dificultad para […]
Night Owl Sleeping Patterns May be Due to a Gene Mutation
Are you a night owl? Scientists have discovered that people who function best in evenings and at night actually may have a genetic mutation causing their aversion to mornings. We have all heard the phrase that the early bird catches the worm. While this may or may not be true, research has found that there […]
El sueño de los búhos nocturnos podría deberse a una mutación genética
¿Es usted un ave nocturna? Los científicos han descubierto que las personas que funcionan mejor por la tarde y la noche en realidad pueden tener una mutación genética causante de su aversión a las mañanas. Todos hemos oído la frase de que a quien madruga Dios le ayuda. Aunque esto puede o no ser cierto, […]
The Effects of Too Little Sleep Are Making Headlines… But What About Oversleeping?
If you are like many people in the Western world, you are trying to get more sleep. However, oversleeping also poses several serious health risks. The headlines tell us that Americans and other people in the West do not get enough sleep. To a great extent, this is true. Lack of sleep is extremely common […]
Circadian Lighting Improves Patient Outcomes in the ICU
New research suggests that circadian lighting in the ICU may improve the outcomes of these very ill patients, both now and up to a year after their hospital stay. More than 4 million patients are admitted to the ICU, or intensive care unit, every year. These units offer the one-on-one nursing care and high technology that […]
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