Dormir es una práctica universal que trasciende el tiempo y la cultura. Sin embargo, aunque todos lo practicamos, los hábitos y los horarios varían en todo el mundo. Aunque hay mucha diversidad entre culturas, todos compartimos algunas prácticas básicas como comer, dormir y reproducirnos. Sin embargo, existen diferencias clave en la forma de abordar estas […]
The Science Behind the Dreaded Afternoon Slump
Afternoons are a sleepy time for many. Your mind is foggy, your eyelids heavy and your entire body yearns for a nap. This afternoon slump may be programmed into the human body. Although the Western world does not generally encourage napping for adults, many people are not as alert in the afternoon as they would […]
La ciencia detrás del temido bajón vespertino
Las tardes son un momento de sueño para muchos. La mente se nubla, los párpados pesan y todo el cuerpo anhela una siesta. Este bajón vespertino puede estar programado en el cuerpo humano. Aunque el mundo occidental no suele fomentar la siesta entre los adultos, muchas personas no están tan alerta por la tarde como […]
Cortisol’s Role in the Synchronization of Your Circadian Rhythm
Most people associate cortisol with the “fight or flight” response. While this biochemical indeed functions as a stress hormone—and can have negative effects in excess—it is a necessary hormone for a variety of human biological functions. It is produced from cholesterol in the adrenal glands, which sit directly on top of the kidneys. It is released […]
Our Ancestors Slept in Two Cycles, Should We?
Do you really need eight straight hours of sleep to feel healthy and well-rested? Evidence suggests that our ancestors flourished using a practice known as segmented sleep. Historians and biologists both investigated how we slept in the past, both to understand daily habits back then and to understand how we should be sleeping now. Interestingly, […]
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