Modern people are more mobile than ever. While there was a time when most people never roamed far from their birthplace, we now can visit different countries and even continents for the price of a plane ticket. This hypermobility has made both business and leisure easier, but researchers in chronobiology believe it can have grave […]
Cuidado con los viajeros frecuentes: Viajar demasiado tiene consecuencias
La gente moderna es más móvil que nunca. Mientras que hubo un tiempo en que la mayoría de la gente nunca se alejaba mucho de su lugar de nacimiento, ahora podemos visitar distintos países e incluso continentes por el precio de un billete de avión. Esta hipermovilidad ha facilitado tanto los negocios como el ocio, […]
Could Disturbing Your Biological Rhythms Cause Infertility?
With around 12 percent of women of reproductive age having trouble conceiving, infertility is a serious problem in the United States and throughout the world. Many cases of infertility are idiopathic, which means doctors cannot identify a reason for the difficulty in conceiving. However, a new study published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental […]
¿La alteración de los ritmos biológicos puede provocar infertilidad?
Alrededor del 12% de las mujeres en edad reproductiva tienen problemas para concebir, por lo que la infertilidad es un grave problema en Estados Unidos y en todo el mundo. Muchos casos de infertilidad son idiopáticos, lo que significa que los médicos no pueden identificar la razón de la dificultad para concebir. Sin embargo, un […]
Simple Two-Cycle Device Turns Brain Neurons Off and On All Day Long
Controlled by two different biologic mechanisms found in the body, the sleep-wake cycle balances and interacts with one another. Originally posited in the early 1980s by a Swiss sleep scientist named Alexander Borbely, the model is typically known as the sleep-wake regulation two-process model. These two key processes consist of the following: 1. Sleep-Wake Homeostasis […]
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