Nurses sacrifice themselves for others every shift, enduring long hours on their feet and exposure to deadly pathogens. However, working unusual shifts may pose even more of a danger to the health of nurses, as well as other professionals that don’t work a standard day shift. The Nurses’ Health Study The Nurses’ Health Study has […]
Trabajar en el turno de noche puede afectar a su esperanza de vida
Los enfermeros se sacrifican por los demás en cada turno, soportando largas horas de pie y la exposición a patógenos mortales. Sin embargo, trabajar en turnos inusuales puede suponer un peligro aún mayor para la salud de las enfermeras, así como para otros profesionales que no trabajan en un turno diurno estándar. El estudio sobre […]
The Basics of Your Sleep Cycle
If you’ve ever pulled an all-nighter or had a newborn, you know that sleep is important. Without sleep, people lose cognitive function, are at high risk of getting in life-threatening accidents and even are more prone to developing chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease. However, it is not just the length of time […]
Aspectos básicos del ciclo del sueño
Si alguna vez has pasado la noche en vela o has tenido un recién nacido, sabes que dormir es importante. Sin sueño, las personas pierden la función cognitiva, corren un alto riesgo de sufrir accidentes mortales e incluso son más propensas a desarrollar enfermedades crónicas como el cáncer y las cardiopatías. Sin embargo, lo importante […]
Neurotoxins and Sleep: What is the Connection?
While people once believed that sleep was merely a period of inactivity and rest, modern studies in chronobiology have shown that sleep is important for a variety of biochemical processes. A recent study suggests that sleep is even more important than physicians and scientists previously thought, allowing the brain to flush out toxic chemicals that […]
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