For any disease, discerning between causes and symptoms is vital, especially for those illnesses that aren’t fully understood. One of the best examples of this is depression, which has intrigued experts for many years. When discussing the causes of this debilitating condition, most doctors point to causes like genetics, traumatic experiences, medications and financial woes—and […]
La depresión está relacionada con la alteración del ritmo circadiano
 En cualquier enfermedad, discernir entre causas y síntomas es vital, sobre todo en aquellas que no se comprenden del todo. Uno de los mejores ejemplos es la depresión, que ha intrigado a los expertos durante muchos años. Cuando se habla de las causas de esta enfermedad debilitante, la mayoría de los médicos apuntan a […]
Asthma: Symptoms Show a Circadian Rhythm
One in 12 Americans suffers from asthma, an inflammatory airway disease costing an estimated $56 billion in the United States. Not only is the rate of the disease steadily increasing, but the severity of the symptoms is on the rise as well. Treating asthma effectively is a serious challenge for doctors. However, a new discovery […]
Circadian Connection: The Missing Link in Arthritis Treatment and Prevention
In the modern world of medicine, there’s a huge temptation to look back at the antiquated, often ridiculed ideas of the past and assume that science now has it all figured out. Not only is this mindset egotistical, it can be downright dangerous. As new information constantly rises to the fore, it sheds light on […]
Conexión circadiana: El eslabón perdido en el tratamiento y la prevención de la artritis
En el mundo moderno de la medicina, existe la enorme tentación de mirar atrás, a las ideas anticuadas y a menudo ridiculizadas del pasado, y asumir que la ciencia ya lo tiene todo resuelto. Esta mentalidad no sólo es egoísta, sino que puede ser francamente peligrosa. La aparición constante de nueva información arroja luz sobre […]
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